Research Priorities
Current Research Priorities
In June 2018, Rutgers Center for State Health Policy (CSHP) convened the inaugural iPHD Research Priority Meeting, engaging a group of 105 interested stakeholders from New Jersey’s research universities, state agencies, and other organizations. By synthesizing the rich discussion and drawing on public information, CSHP developed, and the iPHD Governing Board adopted, the following research priorities. A new priority to address COVID-19 and other public health emergencies was approved by the Governing Board in May 2020 and another addressing equitable access to high value care was approved in May 2023.
To be considered for review and approval by the iPHD Governing Board, research applications should address one or more of the research priorities below. In addition, the research should advance the purpose of the iPHD legislation to improve public health, safety, security, and well-being of New Jersey residents and the overall cost-efficiency of government assistance programs, use valid research methods, and comply with the provisions of the applicable statutes.
The Governing Board may approve projects that fall outside the current research priorities but: 1) serve the purpose of the iPHD, 2) draw on the datasets assembled for the purpose of addressing iPHD research priorities, and 3) are approved by each state agency that has contributed data to be used in conjunction with the requested project.
The current research priorities will remain in place until modified by the iPHD Governing Board.